Experiment Updates, Piano-Playing

Just a few life observations:

Have had the most productive two weeks of my life in recent history, may or may not be a coincidence that I’ve been abstinent for two weeks. Men can be a wonderful distraction from your life’s work if you use them in that way. Abstinence/productivity relationships, hmmm.

Have been trying to play a new piano hymn every night. I think I’m on 5, and it’s been 2 weeks, but, hey, it’s a start. My roommate and my cat both seem to really enjoy my playing so that’s nice. Especially because my cat hates it when I sing.

My foot experiment is still going well. I think I’m on week 5/6 now and still not fully habituated in the new way of walking but it’s getting smoother. I was so pleased to see my new lovely footprints on the beach this weekend.

I created a website to start to show people how I fixed my flat feet: www.healthyfeet.me

My 20/20 eye experiment is great but difficult. Made all the more difficult by the fact that I spend so much time these days at a screen, it is really hard to let the eyes re-adjust to a distant object after 3 hours of hardcore concentration. I need to set timers for mobile and laptop use I guess for distance refocusing and blinking.

Lalalala life goes on…

Experiments Galore, bwahaha

Eye Experiment (20/20 no surgery): after failing to buy contact solution two days in a row now, I will be going another day without any contact lenses or glasses. I kind of like these happy errors, they seem to help my scientific process. My eyes adjusted well to no correction at all today. I actually started having 20/20 flashes again, which was exciting. So from here on out, I will try to do 2 days no correction, 2 days equal -1.25 correction, and 2-4 days no exercises and perhaps full correction (-1.25/-3.00) on one of those days.

A great benefit I’m already getting is more eyebrow lift in my left eye. I am starting to look more symmetrical in a mirror which helps my beauty as well :-D

Foot experiment:
I’m getting more prominent foot arches, now into my fourth week of wearing flat-soled shoes and pushing off the balls of my feet consciously. My left foot especially gets tired quickly but I feel the postural benefits all over. My belly sticks out less. It’s a muscle soreness in the arch near the metatarsals and not an aching pain feeling in the heel like I used to get when i’d walk incorrectly.

More beautiful feet too, yay!!

My life is getting exponentially more awesome. Life is but a dream — a really freakin persistent dream.

Killing Two Birds – Eye Experiment Update


Just realized I have to break my hair-pulling habit in order to improve my eyesight. I preferentially pull my hair on the right side, likely causing more strain on the right eye (the worse eye).

This is a blessing in disguise.

To re-post what I put on my Facebook page this morning:

“You blink only half as many times in a minute when staring/squinting at a monitor/device. Eyes need to blink to stay relaxed and healthy. How can you tell if you’re squinting? Blink for a minute more often and feel the difference.”

Most likely that staring at an object the size of a split hair would fall under “squinting”, or at least eye strain with reduced blinking…no wonder I have eye problems… :-p

Would be fun to see eye data on other compulsive hair pickers…

Moving On

So this garage sale today ended up being somewhat therapeutic. I was able to sell a lot of things I’ve had packed as storage from my former life as an engineer 6+ years ago. Specifically, I parted with a lot of kitchen stuff that I was always saving up for that special someone I would move in with who might need my kitchen supplies.

I also decided to part with my “library”, a heavy collection of books I’ve enjoyed during and since college. I was happy to pass so many on to their new owners, figuring they will do the world much more good in others’ possesion. It was cool to see the dozens and dozens of books laid out, kind of exposing the stuff I had been feeding my brain the past decade. A lot of books on spirituality, wealth-building, government/spy/economics/crime novels, various religious texts as well as anti-relgious texts, poetry books, and classics/assigned reading in college, nutrition/diet, and landscaping/plants.

In a way, it feels like I’m trusting the universe to provide a wonderful future for me and that I don’t really have to hold onto much.

I’m in a giving phase, and it feels good.

I was visited by John Avalos, who I enjoyed chatting with and sharing the blueberry-mint lemonade I had made earlier in the day. I signed his petition for superintendent and remarked that I had voted for him for mayor and was sorry that he hadn’t won. I also met several other neighbors and members of the neighborhood watch committee, which I became a member of. I also rememeber remarking to Avalos that I guess I’m finally accepting that I “live” in the Excelsior. I had only planned to live here about 3 months, for the past 5 years. I still really enjoy it here and will probably keep settling in and letting a couple more roots grow out.

To moving on….