Resolutions 2015

Host a Meetup
Attend 1 Meetup/month
Attend 1 event/month
Travel internationally
Call my parents at least 3 times/week
Call my sister at least 2 times/week
Schedule time with niece/nephew and parents (visit Bozeman, Idaho)
Schedule time with aunts/uncles/cousins
Send birthday cards on time!
Send Christmas cards
Print & Hang pictures of family & friends somewhere I can see them daily
Back walkover, progressing toward a back handspring
Take vitamins & fish oil daily
75m hammer throw

Get certified in CPR/First Aid Response

Write blog/poem daily
Read books – 1 chapter daily or 1 book/month minimum
Study foreign language – 15 minutes daily minimum
Daily meditation or hatha yoga
Morning & evening scheduling/check calendar
Create and sell or show art
Finances/Budgeting weekly
Pay off 2nd Pakistan trip

New adventure

“Basically an absurd pastime on which
To be exhausting ourselves…”
But it’s hard
Easy is too painful
A rhythm, a test
Making a comeforward
Where have your dreams gotten me?
Think for myself.

Long road trips recap

Sick in the throat. Did too much in one day. Ate a whole bag of chewy sweet tart candies, as a drug, to stay awake. It was an ineffective drug, with the crashes leaving me more tired than the whole. Drove LBC to BAKO to SF, packed it all away, then drove straight back to LBC, dead kitty and all. Lots of radio DJ-ing, laughs, lots of goodbye hugs and tears and full hearts. Lots of stress. No keys, bolt-cutter. Last-minute decisions before December starts.

Needing more TLC time. More breathing and walking and sleeping. Less busyness. I’ve got all the love I need.

To recovery and big dreams.

“Let each man win glory before death,”

Astrology revealing Leo and Pisces in the north nodes.

Old Memory Lane

Somehow I ended up in love with a Mexican American, and drunk on tequila and antifreeze fireball whiskey in San Diego tonight, dancing the waning full moon away to a mariachi band on my love’s 26th birthday night, speaking and singing in Spanish, and pausing to sober up by going jogging down streets named, provocatively, “Old Memory Lane,” and then, trying to find a way back, “Gravity Lane,” which quickly halted me in a forested dead end. This all seemed ominously symbolic at the time, so I turned around and jogged back up Old Memory Lane, passing an RV on the way back which read “Pride of the Heart.” I have yet to figure out what the Universe was trying to tell me. But it was a really nice night.


I got a flu shot and TDAP vaccine last week. My arms hurt immensely near the injection site (more of a dull soreness) for a couple of days. For the past 5-6 days, I was unable to assemble any tote bags due to cramping and pain in my hands and forearms. I don’t recall using my handheld devices any more. I did do a lot of bags last Friday (74), so the combo of fatigue plus vaccine stress probably got to me. I’m slightly better today.

The moon is nearly full and gorgeous.

I’m looking forward to a weekend with my honey for his birthday.

Night thoughts

I still miss my kitty.

My shoulders hurt, a lot, in the days after my flu shot and Tdap. Now, my forearms are cramping but it *could* be due to overworking them last Thursday night/Friday morning.

I’m the grim reaper this year.

I’ve set up a way to get back into hammer throwing weekly. Looking forward to dancing with an old friend.

Sleepy eyes.

Brain dump

I’ve been making a ton of FluffyCo bags recently so my motivation to post things has diminished as I stave off RSI, heh.

Having lived with chronic, well, chronic-users nearly all my time in the Bay Area has me thinking more about drugs and their effect on the brain. I’m grateful for my generally pleasant disposition. I’m grateful for my generally very upbeat brain chemistry. Life is not usually a dark place for me. But I’ve been to those dark places, with and without the use of serotonin and dopamine-altering chemicals, and it makes me even more grateful for my natural state of being, which is basically a natural, mild high.

I read recently about mushrooms’ long-term effects on brain chemistry, including the increased prevalence of synesthesia and, ahem, gravitation toward an appreciation of the arts (both of which I have had long before any altered experiences.)

My natural synesthesia was very strong today, which was fun and awesome. Although, living in the Bay Area, you get exposed to so much second-hand MJ smoke on a regular basis during festivals, concerts, walking down the sidewalk, and through housemates, etc., that you can start to wonder what your baseline exposure really is, and how much brain chemistry is altered chronically.

I don’t feel worried about it, especially as long as my decision-making abilities and self-reflection/self-talk seem to be balanced and intact. I’m not sure the clinical definition of mental health, but I suppose it involves having things generally going well in your life, balanced mood states, etc.

My forearms are starting to bug me so that’s probably all for now. G’night.

Giants Win

The Giants won their final home game tonight. I jumped up and down and high-fived strangers at a bar in West Portal. I needed that. I think I finally understood the fan phenomenon, where a win from your hometown team makes you feel like a winner for a moment, because you invested your faith for a few days or hours and something good happened. My heart needed to feel a celebration after the heartbreaking events of this week (losing my best friend of 10 years).

I’m grateful for the learning opportunities of my employment, and especially for the love of my boyfriend of nine months. I really could not have imagined I could love someone so effortlessly, so completely. I’m looking forward to celebrating his birthday and Thanksgiving this month with him and his family.

Go Giants!


My heart was heavy today, and my right eyelid was still swollen from all the bursting into tears that happened over the past 48 hours. I had to take L-Lysine with breakfast to fend off a cold sore, which only appears when my body is wracked with extreme stress.

People were empathic and kind to me today. My appearance, slower demeanor, and heavy heart must have been visible.

I went out of my way to ask other people how they were doing, realizing that I was becoming a black hole of needing comfort. I walked the dog first thing in the morning, which the exercise and getting out of the house felt helpful in integrating and healing my body, after 24 hours of laying on the floor next to my suffering kitty with her head in my hand.

Things are starting to add up, like why she was the least active and most calm and cuddly of her litter (which is why I chose her), and why she didn’t like to play with toys for very long (she would easily tire). Maybe even why she always hated having her stomach touched out of all places (and I “tested” her often, being a trained massage therapist).

I kept looking, listening, and feeling for her today out of habit. I half-think she is still around somewhere.

I went to my astrology class immediately after her passing last night. We talked about cats being Leo-based (some have placed them elsewhere but I think Leo’s influence can’t be denied). My housemate Lisa called her my “familiar,” and, in a way, I did express myself to the world with my choice of companion over the past ten years.

She was courageous, head-strong, reactive but easily-forgiving, beautiful with silky soft fur, always clean and smelled fantastic, and was emotionally sensitive–coming when called, comforting me when I was sad or sick, and willing to receive pleasure in the form of a pet or snuggle up to my foot, whenever fancy struck her, without being overbearing.

It must be why I pined for a cat for all five years of college, vowing to get one as soon as I got my own home, despite having a boyfriend who was allergic!

She greeted me at the door every night, and if I fawned over her, she would roll around on her back stretching her legs, being irresistibly cuter and cuter. She loved being the center of attention.

She taught me a lot about attention, and many other things.

She taught me to break up my attention if I was working too intensely and stop to pet her. She even reminded me to go to bed several times, or to stop what I was doing to refocus. She taught me to see the demons inside me who wanted to physically punish her or control her for innocent or justified actions on her part. She taught me boundaries. She taught me about communication, verbal and non-verbal. I feel like she prepared me to be a better parent one day. She taught me the value of companionship. We took care of each other.

I was so proud of her when she took a journey into the night a year ago, disappearing from my backyard on the fence line (after looking at me for permission), and had an all-night adventure. She returned in the morning a little ruffled up and stayed close to me in my room for several days after. It was her first time spending more than thirty minutes outside in probably 8 years.

It was fun giving her a little Taurine supplement the first time. She looked around the room like she was stoned and seeing things she never noticed before, and next thing I know when I’m not looking, she’s climbed the ladder to the attic and hunting mice. She hated ladders and hadn’t shown any interest in hunting up to that point (besides the occasional bug).

I thought of her kidneys, and how much of the damage was possibly my fault: if I had fed her the wrong things, the wrong way, or if I had exposed her to too many stressful situations (moving homes, teasing/play) that she had become overworked of adrenaline.

But I know that I loved her, I always bought her the best foods I could afford, gave her her favorite freeze-dried mice treats occasionally.

She started off only sleeping at my feet, and throughout the years worked her way up closer to my head over above me. Many mornings I would wake up to her sleeping on me and she’d be too heavy so I’d groan and roll over. She also enjoyed sleeping on my phone, which I rarely allowed mostly for radiation concerns.

I loved waking up with her and going to sleep with her. She was so adorable all tired out at night.

If she wanted my attention in the kitchen or living room, she would sometimes stretch up on her hind legs and touch me with her paw gently. She loved coming in the bathroom with me and sitting on my lap or drinking water from the faucet. I even taught her to shake the water off her head before jumping out of the tub.

She never liked wet cat food but would sometimes lick my cereal or ice cream bowls out. She liked salty cheese like my favorite aged Gouda. She was pretty spoiled.

I don’t think it’s all a coincidence that she started getting sick on my nine month “lunaversary” with my new boyfriend. She got me through my relationship “gestation period”, then turned me over into his loving arms. I’m so, so grateful for her love in my life.

A part of me is gone, but I have grown in loving her.
