Virgo Girl

Had a cavity filled for the first time in 10 years, and the 2nd time ever.

Keep getting told that I grind my teeth by dentists. I caught myself the other day sliding my clenched teeth over each other to the rhythm of a song, like some kind of weird percussion instrument. I caught myself a few times in one day, which means I probably do it a lot.

I’m feeling the Virgo energy on this first day of Virgo. I’m getting very embodied, and hitting my experiments hardcore again.

This morning I did 1 hr of yoga before work, wore two of the same Rx contact lenses as an experiment (-1.25 I think), and juice-fasted all day.

R wants to know when my fast will be over. I told him my body will let me know. Typical signs are constant peeing, and a clear tongue.

I’m continuing to break out with “bug bites,” while R has ceased. I’m thinking it may be some kind of staph infection, so I’m hoping my fast will work its typical magic in starving out the bad bugs in my body. Anyway, a few days without overeating, caffeine, and sugar can’t do me any harm.