Resolutions – 1st Draft

Send birthday cards on time!
Send Christmas cards
Call my parents at least 3 times/week
Call my sister at least 2 times/week
Daily meditation and hatha yoga 30 minutes
Read books – 1 chapter daily minimum
Study foreign language – 15 minutes daily minimum
Print & Hang pictures of family & friends somewhere I can see them daily
65m hammer throw and/or 55m discus throw (1-2 hours training daily)
Get certified in personal training & CPR
Travel internationally
Go with the flow – slow down and recognize when ego is trumping collective good
Take voice lessons & perform vocally
Learn to DJ and create a mix
Take vitamins & fish oil daily
Schedule exercise and social time
Schedule time with niece/nephew and parents (visit Bozeman, Idaho)
Schedule time with aunts/uncles (Missoula – Connie & Mike, Germany – Linda/Bob) & call and visit cousins (Alisa, Margaret, Tim, Aaron)
Back walkover, progressing toward a back handspring
Write blog/poem daily
Finances/Budgeting 3 times/week for 15 minutes
Weekly strategy sessions for track & field – 1 hour
Dinner party 1/month