This place is full of magic

Drawn in so deep by more magical sf experiences…a movie theater with couches and loveseats where the food comes to you and it’s a surprise…just kinky enough kink films…a meeting of the minds…intoxication and connection…worlds opening up…hearts opening up….posh surroundings…rubbing shoulders with hard edges…smart and barefoot and happy and centered, and a little manic but at least mindful of it…supportive and questioning and raising the roof on awesome and what ifs and what can we do…pioneers on the leading edge of what is and what is not…and loving each other’s company…diving deep into pleasure and what vibes our own souls no matter what we were told…leaving behind cults and sniffing the groupthink…lots of time apart and just enough together…barely remembering to be women and mothers and friends in a playland of gogogo…dododo…bebebe