Outside Lands (64/365)

We all need those good vibes
Thick beats, waving melodies
Fresh moist air
Crispy juicy melt in your mouth
Warm chocolate syrup in a sippy cup
Room to dance
Room to make
Sweet hot love

Someone you love to hate
Someone who takes your shit
Someone who calls you out
Someone who loves and loves

The music weaves us together
In one colorful tapestry
If only for a song
We forget what we hate
And remember what we love
We let our hearts out to fly
And lock them away with the last note

Our brains all work the same
Our hearts all feel the tug of real love truth
When will we rise above our past?
Rise above our chemistry?
Can we all hike the mountain to that beautiful plateau
Right now
Carry the feeble on our shoulders,
And rest where the sun sets on our insecurities
And the moon rises to greet each and all
Effortlessly reflecting the sun’s perfect majesty
Despite being small
Despite being lonely
Its craters and imperfections we call beautiful
Because it shines on with such ease
Shine on us and let us shine
Let’s go there always and forever