Thoughts on Addiction

My definition of Addiction: If you are doing something all day long that should only be done once a day, you have a problem. This includes: Drinking alcohol, coffee, eating junk food, smoking anything, watching television, playing computer fantasy games, watching porn, talking to your significant other on the phone, playing with your hair, and the list goes on and on. Unless you have made one of these activities your life's calling, quit wasting your time & energy on doing them excessively!

Every one of us fights addictions, some do it more privately, some don't appear to fight them at all. But addictions own you, and they ALWAYS take you further from the person you long to be. There is comfort in the familiar routines of your addiction, but as Kahlil Gibran says, 'comfort murders the passion of the soul, and then walks grinning in the funeral.'